Dr Graham Lovis, The Victoria Quarter Dental Practice


About Denplan

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The UK's leading independent dental capitation plan provider

Denplan is a trademark of Denplan Ltd.

Denplan is a way of providing your ongoing dental care. It recognises that we want to maintain health, rather than repair disease.

How it works is simple. You pay a regular monthly payment and we will do our very best to maintain your dental health. The amount you pay is calculated by your dental history. You only pay the laboratory bills (if any) and for prescribed drugs. As part of the Denplan Excel Programme we will measure and monitor your oral health, including giving you an Oral Health Score, so that you can see that your mouth is becoming healthier.

It is simple, cost effective, and it works.

Is there a catch?

There is no catch. Your mouth just needs to healthy before you are eligible to join.

So basically you need to have any treatment required to achieve dental health completed before you can join. If you don't wish to have this done you can still join Denplan excluding the outstanding items.

The Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme

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Denplan has recognised that people need more information and support than ever before. They carried out a research programme to find out what type of service people wanted from their dentist. The results of that research have been developed into the Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme, which has the approval of The Patients Association.

Our practice was delighted to be selected as one of the Programme Development Partner practices involved in piloting this initiative, with the pilot being launched in October 1999.

Tell me more

Either contact us or Denplan themselves.

Denplan's excellent web site is at


Or phone them free on 0800 401402


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