Dr Graham Lovis, The Victoria Quarter Dental Practice


The Dental Hygienists

Ann Masters Ann Masters has worked with Graham for more than twelve years and is now the principal hygienist in the practice.

She was a dental nurse before studying dental hygiene at the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital in Sheffield. She is a very keen and accomplished skier, although she isn't able to get to the slopes as often as she used to since the birth of her son, Edward, last July.


Heidi Peel

Heidi has also worked with Graham for over twelve years, but is now about to embark on a second career in the law having just gained her law degree and has just started Bar School at Nottigham. She is will continue to work at the practice during the breaks between terms so that she can continue to see her patients who she has been looking after over the years.

Heidi Peel





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Edward Masters looking cool

Ann enjoying sun and snow in France