Dr Graham Lovis, The Victoria Quarter Dental Practice


Dental Nurses

Graham and Chrissie carrying out a dental exam Many people don't quite realise just how important the dental nurse is, and what a demanding job they do. The practice is indeed fortunate to have two excellent dental nurses in Christine Wormald and Chrissie Hunter. They both combine professionalism and total competence with being friendly and reassuring. Graham usually works in the surgery with Christine Hunter who is the newest member of the practice team. Here they are carrying out a dental examination



Christine Hunter

Christine Hunter joined us last year having gained experience in three other practices. She has just started the course at Leeds Dental Institute leading to the new NVQ in Dental Nursing. Chrissie's accent reveals her to not be a native of Leeds, but as coming from Surfers Paradise on Queensland's Gold Coast, Australia. Although she's been in Yorkshire for some years she still hasn't got used to the cold!




 Chris Wormald clearing away after a procedure Although Chris Wormald is now more usually occupied in her practice managers role she still enjoys working with Graham in the surgery.

She is also available for consultation with anyone who would like to know more about what we can do.





 Christine Wormald



Chris Wormald has worked with Graham for more than ten years, at first in another practice and then here in the Victoria Quarter and is a fully qualified dental nurse, and has recently successfully completed the Nurse's course for the Branemark implant system. She has recently been promoted and now takes on the role of Practice Manager as well as continuing to be a dental nurse.



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