Dr Graham Lovis, The Victoria Quarter Dental Practice


Our Web Site


We were one of the first dental practices in the UK to have a web site, and we produced it completely by ourselves so please try not to be too critical. The site was written directly in HTML (in a text editor) by Graham Lovis, and the photographs were taken by various members of the practice team.

We use Acorn computers, with two A5000 machines and a lightening fast RiscPC. We now have use of a 500MHz Pentium III Dell PC, but still much prefer to use the Acorns! Our internet software is Voyager from ArgoNet.


These pages have been designed using the
Acorn/Argonet ® browser.

(We have tried to make sure that they will look OK with Internet Explorer, but have not yet tried using Netscape.)

Please let me know if you have any problems viewing them. Email me at Email Graham Lovis Click here to mail us now.





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