Dr Graham Lovis, The Victoria Quarter Dental Practice



Katie answering the phone When you ring us your call will normally be taken by Katie or Sue. Both Sue and Katie have been with the practice since before their now grown up children were born! Many of our patients are now old friends. Their warmth and friendliness will soon put you are your ease.


Sue Sharp

One of Sue's passions is her poodle Holly. Mention that you like poodles and you will have an instant rapport!




Katie at reception Katie is also very involved with animals. As well as her own cat, dog (black labrador) and rabbits she helped found the local branch of the Cats Protection League. So if you would like to give a needy cat a home, talk to Katie


If you there is anything that you would like to know, please ring or call in and talk to Katie or Sue.

Our telephone number is 0113 245 4550.


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