Italia Connections' Laverda Gallery

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750s-fb1.jpg - 4Kb Fast Bikes 750S (JPEG - 73kb). Seeing IS believing!

750s3x.jpg - 6Kb 3Cross 750S (JPEG - 74kb).

gmex98.jpg - 4Kb ILOC Stand at 1998 GMEX Show (JPEG - 41kb).

jota180.jpg - 4Kb Jota 180 (JPEG - 25kb).

motodd5.jpg - 5Kb Motodd Mk5 (JPEG - 37kb).
This bike is being manufactured to customers specifications by Ralph Allen of Motalia Ltd, Norfolk, England.

saxon1.jpg - 5Kb Saxon (JPEG - 32kb).

sf750.jpg - 4Kb SF750 (JPEG - 50kb).

sf750nl.jpg - 3776 bytesDutch SF750 and trailer (JPEG - 52kb).
This rare outfit belongs to Gerald from the Netherlands. The trailer has a mono wheel and is suspended. The likage to the bike is via a universal joint which is connected inside the SF's seat hump.

sfc1000x2.jpg - 4Kb 2 SFC1000's (JPEG - 324kb).
These bikes were pictured at the ILOC's AGM at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham a few years ago.

Italia Links
This page is designed and maintained by Bob Williams and was last updated on 10th April, 2001.
Any photos are welcome. Please Email with details.
You can email me at