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Traditional Music
Robin Hall & Jimmie MacGregor
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Highlands and Lowlands (Nevis, NEV R003, 1972?)
Side One: Rattlin' Roarin' Wullie (new verse by Jimmie
MacGregor); As I Came Doon the Overgate; Fetlar Lullaby; On the
Banks of Loch Lomond (new verse by Jimmie MacGregor); If You
Ever Come to London; Bonny Hills O' Gallawa'
Side Two: Jock McGraw; Ho-Van Gorry O-Go; Birlinn Ghoraidth
Chrobhain; Toddlin' Hame; Rory Murphy
All songs traditional except where indicated.
Robin Hall (vocals), Jimmie MacGregor (vocals, guitar, mandolin)
with Carey Wilson (fiddle), Alastair McDonald (guitar, mandolin,
banjo), Iain Campbell (bass), Herbie McTaggart (a multitude of wind
instruments), Bobby orr (drums)
Unity Creates Strength (Nevis, NEV R007, 1972)
with Dominic Behan, Alex Campbell, Danny Kyle,
Ian Campbell, The Laggan, Alistair MacDonald
Side 1: Highland Medley
Side 2: Pack Up Your Tools and Go
A Rovin' (Decca Eclipse ECS 2126, 1973)
(a re-issue of an earlier album)
Side One: Dig My Grave; Villancico; Go Tell Aunt Rhody; My Love
Is Like a Red Red Rose; Asikatali; A Bold Young Farmer; When I First
Came To This Land
Side Two: Johnny, I Hardly Knew You; Lamidbar (Argov);
Up Among the Heather; Ksekina Mia Psarapoula; A Bucketful of Mountain
Dew; The Overgate; Lowlands; Time For Man Go Home
All songs traditional except where indicated.
Robin Hall (vocals, guitar), Jimmie MacGregor (vocals, guitar, mandolin),
Leon Rosselson (vocals, guitar, banjo), Shirley Bland (vocals),
John Jobson (bass)
Kid's Stuff (Decaa Eclipse ECS 2161, 1974?)
Includes: Candlelight Fisherman; England Forever (Cliff Hanley);
Glasgow Medley; Three Craws
Songs for Scotland (Beltona SBE 190, 1977)
Side One: The Land of Macleod; Where Is the Glasgow I Used To
Know? (McNaughtan); The Field of Bannockburn (trad/Macgregor);
Fetlar Lullaby; The Wee Magic Stane (J McEvoy); Pack Your Tools
and Go (trad/Macgregor); England Forever (Cliff Hanley)
Side Two: The Freedom Come All Ye (Hamish Henderson); St
Andrew (Cliff Hanley/Robin Hall); The Miner's Lullaby (Matt
McGinn); The John Mclean March (Hamish Henderson); Scottish
Tradition (Jimmie Macgregor); Is There for Honest Poverty (Burns)
Robin Hall, Jimmie MacGregor with Alex Hutton,
Sean O'Rourke, Ricki Fernandez (bass),
Billy Thom (drums)