* Biotechnology is needed to feed the growing population of the world, especially the Third World.
* Reduced chemical inputs, which will be good for the environment.
* Higher yields, benefitting farmers and consumers.
UK Five Year Freeze Find out here how to join the UK coalition (over 90 national organisations by July '99) calling for a five year 'freeze' on all releases of GE organisms, all GE food imports, and all patents on food crops
* * * People outside industry mainly, consumers, consumer organisations, environmental groups,
independent scientists, European farmers, public health organisations. A Mori Poll covering 6
European countries tells us that of those with an opinion, 80% reject genetically engineered
food. The genetech industry doesn't want to hear this and research and development accelerates,
as they remain determined to force this technology on the unwilling people of Europe. Consumers
are looked on as an irritation, to be ignored or to have their opinions corrected with a stiff
dose of PR brainwashing if they look like getting out of hand.
* * * Some members of the public seem prepared to take the risk, after all they say, we take
risks every day crossing the road. Agreed, but that's a voluntary risk we take. Contaminating most of our processed food is a risk imposed on us.
Agent Orange The Poisoning of Vietnam
Monsanto's BST Milk "It poses major potential health risks for the entire US population" - Prof. Sam Epstein
PCBs Can the World's Sea Mammals Survive Them?
Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Centre A Horrifying Catalogue of Chronic Health Risks.
Roundup Monsanto is using genetic engineering to dramatically increase the use of herbicides on crops.
Terminator Technology Worldwide Biological Warfare on Farmers and Food Security.
Not exactly amongst the greatest contributions to civilization!
* They gave us Agent Orange, the most widely used defoliant in the Vietnam war. It was
contaminated with dioxin, which caused up to 500,000 Vietnamese children to be born with
dioxin related deformities since the 1960's, and severe health problems to American soldiers
exposed to it.
* Bovine Somatotropin as in BST milk, was Monsantos first genetech creation. Just
inject the hormone into the pituitary gland of cows every two weeks for 25% more milk. There are multiple health risks for the cows.
Health risks for humans drinking the milk include prostate cancer and breast cancer.
* Monsanto produced or licenced the manufacture of virtually all the PCBs, and is responsible for the release of around 1.2 million tonnes of the deadly chemicals worldwide, chemicals proven to cause cancer and birth defects.
* Nutrasweet(aspartame) has been identified as "a promising candidate to explain the
recent increase in incidence and degree of malignancy of brain tumours" by researchers at
Washington University Medical School, St Louis.
* Roundup kills beneficial insects such as parasitoid wasps, lacewings, ladybirds(ladybugs), and is toxic to earthworms, soil bacteria and beneficial fungi.
* Since Terminator Technology has absolutely zero agronomic benefit, there is no reason to jeopardize the food security of the poor by gambling with genetic engineering in the field.
NOVARTIS BLACKMAILS IRELAND! - Novartis threatened to withdraw the supply of non-GM sugar beet seed to the Republic of Ireland in the face of resistance to the development of GM varieties, warning that: "Given the importance of Novartis on the Irish market, this would have serious implications for the Irish sugar beet industry."
* * * It doesn't take that many letters do make a difference! Those receiving them know that for
every letter they receive, hundreds of others think the same way. .
* * * Don't be put off demanding GE free food because of the complexity of the
arguments about genetic engineering. Independent experts say there are risks, so
you don't want it.
* * * No need to write a long fancy letter. Emphatic, but polite. Short, but send lots.
* * * Also tell the manager of any supermarket you go to.
* * * If the commercial interests reply with a 'standard' letter full of pacifying PR
propaganda, write back saying you don't accept their arguments, you still insist on GE-free
food. The number of
Monsanto lawyers that have visited this site!