Folk singers
Alex Campbell
Fisher Family
Hamish Imlach
Matt McGinn
Iain Mackintosh
Watt Nicoll
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Traditional Music
Hamish Imlach
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A Man's A Man (Autogram ALLP 215, 1978)
with Iain MacKintosh
Side One: A Man's A Man For A' That [1] (trad/Burns); Jamie Foyers [2] (MacColl); D-Day Dodgers
(Schulze/Henderson); Parcel of Rogues (trad/Burns); The Roving Ploughboy [1]; Wae's Me For Prince
Chairlie [2]; McPherson's Rant
Side Two: Skye Boat Song; Betsy Bell [2]; The Can o' Tea [2] (Matt McGinn); I Am A Miller (trad); Freedom
Come All Ye [2] (trad/Henderson); The Flooers o' the Forest; Baron of Brackley; Johnny Cope
[1] = sung by Hamish Imlach & Iain MacKintosh [2] = sung by Iain MacKintosh
all songs traditional unless otherwise indicated
The Sporting Life (Kettle KOP 3, 1979, reissued in Germany by Musikiste, 26-6-250)
Side One: Castlereagh; Timothy Evans; Sure To Be A Row; Sporting Life; Western Cowboy
Side Two: Wagoner´s Lad; Whisky And Women; No Mans Land; Smoker´s Song; Black Is The Colour
Sonny's Dream (Lismor LIFL 7006, 1985)
Side One: Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice (MacDougall/Imlach); The Ballad of William Brown (trad.
arr Imlach); Mary Anne (trad. new lyrics/music Imlach); The Reprobate's Lament (trad/lyrics Bill Hill);
Salonika (trad. arr Imlach); Kisses Sweeter Than Wine (Campbell/Newman); The Smokers Song
Side Two: Sonny's Dream (Ron Hynes); If It Wasn't for the Union (Matt McGinn); The Parcel of
Rogues (trad. arr Imlach); I Didn't Raise My Son To Be A Soldier (trad. new tune Imlach/lyrics McVicar);
Goodbye Booze (trad. new tune/lyrics Imlach); D-Day Dodgers (Hamish Henderson); Men of Knoydart
(Hamish Henderson)
with Mary Black & Donal Lunny (title track),
Iain MacKintosh, John Martin, Clark Sorley, Mike
Live In Hamburg (MusiKiste 26-6-356, 1986)
with Iain MacKintosh
Side One: Johnny Cope; Skye Boat Song; The General [1] (trad/new words Imlach/MacKintosh);
Weary Life [1] (Bogle/Imlach/MacKintosh); Dance Band on the Titanic [2] (Harry Chapin); Rollin' [1]
(Randy Newman); Susie [1] (Imlach/MacKintosh)
Side Two: Paddy Lay Back (trad/new words Imlach/MacKintosh); Tramps and Hawkers [1]; The New Restaurant [2]
(Malvina Reynolds)^; Lily the Pink [1] (trad/new words Imlach/MacKintosh); My Friends [1] (John
Denver); All the Tunes in the World [1] (trad/words Ewan McVicar)
[1] = sung by Hamish Imlach & Iain MacKintosh [2] = sung by Iain MacKintosh
Recorded live at 'Die Zwiebel', Hamburg, Elbtreppe, on 1 Sep 1985
Portrait (MusiKiste 26-6-359, 1989)
I Wish They´d Do It Now; Chemical Worker´s Song; Hokey Smoky — Take The
Children And Run; Deep Elm Blues; The Coalowner And The Poor Pitman´s
Wife; Marilyn; He´s In The Jailhouse Now; Clive´s Song; One Day Old, The
Dove; Dark As A Dungeon; Johnny, I Hardly Knew You; Ghost Army Of Korea
Parade; Ain´t Playin´ Me Fair
Recorded live at FERDI´s PIZZA PINTE in Bielefeld on 16th February 1989
with Götz Alsmann (banjo, mandolin); Rainer Brandt (trumpet);
Dietmar Carl (snaredrum); Muriel Graves (backing vocals);
Martin Hannemann: (keyboards, piano (on Clive´s Song));
Phil Shackleton (backing vocals); Gerry Spooner (dobro);
Volker Wilmking (flute, piano, harmonica)
I Was Born In Glasgow (Gallus Music GAL 102, no year- 1991?)
with Ian Davison, Iain Mackintosh, Ewan McVicar, Alan Tall.
Side One: I Wish I Was In Glasgow (Billy Connolly);
The Glasgow I Used To Know (Adam McNaughtan) [1]; Farewell to
Glasgow (Jim McLean)
Side Two: Doon in the Wee Room (Trad/Daniel McLaughlin); Going
Home To Glasgow (Ian Davison)
[1] = with Ewan McVicar
Two's Company (Vindaloo Music, CURRYCD001, 1993)
with Muriel Graves
Boozin; The Nobleman; Makin´ Whoopee; Ballad Of The Carpenter; Cigarettes
And Whisky; The Bunch Of Thyme; Dead Puppies; Solid Gone; I Can Play
Anything; Whistle Daughter Whistle; Donal Og; Salvation Army Song; Irish
Ballad; Maxwell´s Silver Hammer; The Wagoner´s Lad
More and Merrier (KRL Lochshore CDLDL 1238, 1995)
Castlereagh (Hamish Imlach); Mary Alice Jones (unknown); Black is the Colour [1] (Hamish Imlach);
I Like Beer (Tom T Hall); She Moved Through the Fair [1] (trad arr Imlach); Shit I've Forgotten the Words
(unknown); Mary Anne (Hamish Imlach); The Hills of Lorne (Charlie Hunter)/Old French/Woodchoppers
Reel [2]; Pub With No Beer (Gordon Noel Parsons); Amazing Grace [2] (trad arr Kramer); The Willowy Gardens
(Hamish Imlach); Aunt Clara (unknown); Jock o' Bredeslie (trad arr Imlach); If You Go Away [1]
(Jacques Brel/Rob McKuen); If It Wasn't for the Unions (Matt McGinn)
[1] = sung by Muriel Graves [2] = sung/played by Kate Kramer
with Muriel Graves, Kate Kramer, Martin Allcock, Ian McCalman, Derek Moffat, Fraser Spiers
Scottish Folk Scene (2 LP, Metronome Records DALP 2/1955, no year)
with Alex Campbell, Eddie Furey, Ian Campbell Folk Group,
Archie Fisher,The Johnstons, Luke Kelly, Watt Nicoll
Side One: The Wind Blew the Bonnie Lassie's Plaidie Awa (trad arr Imlach)
Side Two: McPherson's Farewell (Davie Stewart)
Side Four: Nancy Whisky (The Calton Weaver) (trad arr Imlach)
Hamish Imlach - The Definitive Transatlantic Album (Castle Communications, 1997)
It's Better In The Dark; Cod Liver Oil And Orange Juice; Johnny
O'Breadislee; Erin Go Bragh; If It Wasn't For The Unions; Foggy Dew, The;
Copper's Song, The; McPherson's Farewell; 37 Bus, The; Jean Harlow;
Clapped Out Motorcar; McGreggors, The; Anthony Riley; Beer Is Best;
Little Maggie; Goodbye Booze; Calton Weaver, The; Clive's Song; Cuckoo,
The; Kilbogie; Bluebird; Jenny Jenkins; Travelling Rhythm
Other compilations:
Interfolk Festival vol 4 (Autogram, 1973)
The Greatest Ceilidh Band on Earth (Tonder Festival)
(Millstream 1001, 1981)
Tonder Festival 25 years (Millstream, 1999) - live festival recordings
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