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Traditional Music
The Whistlebinkies
Scottish Folk Group
Some of Whistlebinkie's recordings are detailed below:
The Whistlebinkies (Deacon DEA 1053, 1971)
Side One: Twa Recruiting Sergeants; Sherrif Muir; Cradle Song;
James Conolly; Home Boys Home
Side Two: Banks of the Roses; Admiral Benbow; Sullivan John;
Mormon Braes; The Boston Burgler
All songs traditional
Jim Daly (fiddle), Geordie McGovern (banjo, mandolin), Seane McGee
(guitar), Michael Broderick (vocals and effects)
(Unknown title) (1975)
This album, recorded in East Germany in 1975, is very obscure and I know
nothing about it. I only know of its existence because it was mentioned
by The Whistlebinkie's fiddler and concertina player Stuart Eydmann (who was
not in the group when this record was recorded).
The Whistlebinkies (Claddagh Records CC22, 1977)
Side One: Alena MacAskill/MacDonald's Exercise/Jig of Slurs;
Haughs O'Cromdale; Farewell to Nigg; Mrs MacLeod of Raasay/Mrs McGuire
(McGuire);/Staten Island/Peat Fire Flame/Reel of Tulloch/High
Road to Linton; The Battle of Sherriffmuir
Side Two: March of Brian Boru/Eileen Aroon/O'Keefe's/Morrison's
Jig; Donald MacGillivray; Gillie Callum/The Barn Dance/Sleepy Maggie/The
Blacksmith's Reel; The Royal Scottish Pipers/The Harper
(McGuire);/The Traditional Reel/The Ness Pipers
All tracks traditional except where indicated.
Rab Wallace (pipes), Eddie McGuire (flute), Rae Siddall (fiddle),
Mick Broderick (drums and vocals) with Charles Guard (clarsach) and
Peter Anderson (drums)
The Whistlebinkies 2 (Claddagh Records CC31, 1980)
Side One: The Linen Cap/Ghlass Ault/The Killearn Reel/Waukin' o'
the Fauld/The Weaving Reel (McGuire); The Bonnie Moorhen;
Duncan Johnstone's Strathspey (Rab Wallace)/John Mac
Kechnie/Mrs MacPherson of Inveran (G S MacLennan); The Marquis
of Huntly's Strathspey (Marshall)/Sir Ronald MacDonald's Reel/The
Penny Wedding (Nath Gow); Phiutharag 'sa Phiuthar (Sister, Oh
Sister); Andrew Wallace (Rab Wallace)/Broderick's Bodhran (Rab
Side Two: Great Is the Cause of My Sorrow; John MacDonald of Glencoe (William
Lawrie)/Mrs MacDonald of Dunach (William Lawrie); Gealach nan
Eilean (Island Moon); The Fossil Grove (Bob Nelson)/Sir John
Henderson (Niel Gow)/Miss Hannah's Jig (Marshall)/The
Sailor's Wife; Freedom Come All Ye (Hamish Henderson)
All tracks traditional except where indicated.
Eddie McGuire (flute), Rab Wallace (lowland pipes), Rhona MacKay (clarsach,
vocals), Mick Broderick (drums and vocals) Bob Nelson (fiddle) and
Peter Anderson (Scottish side drum)
The Whistlebinkies 3 (Claddagh Records CC34, 1981)
Side One: The Lewis Jig/Duncan MacKillop/Granny Macleod; The
Twa Corbies; The Ladies' Hornpipe/Lowe's(Marshall)/Duncan
Johnstone (Donald Macleod); Nathaniel Gow's Lament for the Death
of his Brother (Nathaniel Gow)/Glenlivet/The Three Peaks of
South Uist (John Scott); Ane Ground; The Sheepwife
Side Two: Clean Pease Strae/The Keel Row/The Bowmore Reel (or Miss
Girdle)/The Whistlebinkies' Reel (Rab Wallace)/Devonshire Terrace
(Rab Wallace); There'll Never Be Peace Until Jamie Comes Hame; The
Hare in the Corn/The Road to Lisdoonvarna/Ar Eirinn ni Neosfainn Ce Hi
(For ireland I'll Not Tell Her Name)/The Killarney Boys of Pleasure/
Jackie Coleman's Reel/Farewell to Erin; MacBeth (Eddie McGuire)
All tracks traditional except where indicated.
Peter Anderson (Scottish side drum), Mick Broderick (bodhran, vocals)
Stuart Eydmann (fiddle, concertinas), Mark Hayward (fiddle), Eddie
McGuire (flute), , Rhona MacKay (clarsach), Rab Wallace (lowland pipes)
The Whistlebinkies 4 (Claddagh Records CC43, 1985)
Side One: The Low Country Jig/The Lads o' Dunse/Woo'ed an
Married an' A'/I Hae a Wife o' My Ain/Follow Her O'er the Border;
Sir John Fenwick; An Cota Ruadh (The Redcoat)/Reel of Bogie/The
Fiddler (D Macleod)/Miss Victoria Ross/Bellany's Brush (Stuart
Eydmann)/Mairin Ni Dhubhain (Stuart Eydmann)/The Straits of
Corfu (Eddie McGuire)/Pipe Major Calum Campbell (PM Angus
MacDonald); Ailein Duinn (Brown-haired Alan); MacDonald of the Isles
Side Two: Highland River (Eddie McGuire)/The Rubic Cube
(Roddy MacDonald); Gwerz An Ene Reiz/Person Plouergat/An Dro;
Dr Hugh Alexander Low of Tiree (Hugh Campbell)/Father John
MacMillan of Barra (Norman MacDonald); For A' That and A' That (Burns);
All tracks traditional except where indicated.
Peter Anderson (Scottish side drum), Mick Broderick (bodhran, vocals)
Stuart Eydmann (fiddle, concertinas), Mark Hayward (fiddle), Eddie
McGuire (flute), , Judith Peacock (clarsach, vocals), Rab Wallace (lowland
pipes, Scottish small pipes)
The Whistlebinkies 5 (Claddagh Records CC50, 1988)
Side One: Auntie Cairistion (Iain MacPherson)/The Stool of
Repentance/Cailleach Dudain; A Mhairead Og (Young Margaret)/Dominic
McGowan (Duncan Johnstone); The Motley Crew (Stuart
Finlayson)/The Black Maria (Eddie McGuire)/ Barlinnie
Highlander (Rab Wallace); Jock O' Hazledean; The Foxhunter's Jig/
Rattlin' Roarin' Willie/Athol Highlanders
Side Two: John Roy Stuart/The Marquis of Tweedale's Reel/Miss
Margaret Graham of Gartmore's Favourite/The Feetwashing; The Fiddler's
Farewell (Eddie McGuire); The Winter Is Past; The Boys of
Ballinahinch/Matt Molloy's/The Humours of Tulla/An Ancient Clan March/
Maidin Domhnaight (On Sunday Morning); Rolling Home to Caledonia;
The Dogs Among the Bushes
All tracks traditional except where indicated.
Peter Anderson (Scottish side drum, sticks, vocals), Mick Broderick
(bodhran, vocals), Stuart Eydmann (fiddle, concertina), Mark Hayward
(fiddle), Eddie McGuire (flute, alto flute, piccolo), Rab Wallace
(lowland pipes, Scottish small pipes) with Mary Ann Kennedy
(clarsach, vocals) and Jo Miller (fiddle, vocals)