First points of contact in the UK
Genetic Engineering Network, PO Box 9656, London N4 4JY. Tel: 0181 374 9516 -
Valuable first point of contact which aims to provide information that helps people to take action. Puts individuals in touch with different national and international campaigns, and especially local groups throughout the country. Offers help on a range of issues, e.g. how to set up a campaign in your area, ideas for protests and things you can do if you don't have much time to spare.
Also publish bi-monthly newsletter, Genetix Update.
Greenpeace UK 'True Food Campaign', Canonbury Villas, Islington, London, N1 2PN.
Tel: 0171 865 8100. -
Working with consumers, food professionals, retail outlets, gardeners, restaurants and the food industry to provide practical ways to stop the genetic engineering of food and to promote organic. Provide campaigning material including leaflets, stickers, briefings etc. Greenpeace has 110
local groups around the country, all of whom are campaigning on this issue. Daily news updates on their website.
Friends Of the Earth Campaign for Real Food, 26-28 Underwood Street, London. N1 7JQ.
Tel: 0171 490 1555, Fax: 490 0881. -
Has 250 local groups campaigning on GE. Very active on government and regulatory issues, and putting pressure on retailers. Also involved in legal challenges on issues such as field trials and seed laws. FOE provides free briefings and leaflets on GE as well as a monthly news update on their website.
Soil Association, Bristol House, 40-56 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6BY.
Tel: 0117 914 2449, Fax: 0117 925 2504. -
Leading organic food and farming charity, representing both farmers and consumers. Actively campaigning for a ban on GE in agriculture in the UK. Provides free information on organic farming and GE, including campaign leaflets, technical briefings, scientific papers and info on what you can
Women's Environmental Network, 87 Worship Street, London EC2A 2BE.
Tel: 0171 247 3327, Fax: 0171 247 4740. -
WEN has a core group of geneticists and biologists, and is very active and well informed on GE issues. Information packs available with detailed information about GE-related issues, and also practical campaigning resources with ideas for action that can be taken by individuals and groups.
Totnes Genetics Group, PO Box 77, Totnes, TQ9 5ZJ.
Tel: 01803 840098, Fax: 864591. -
Very active community-based campaign in South Devon. Provides speakers, info, resources, ideas, support, street theatre, and other ideas for local campaigning. Website contains contact details of local groups throughout the UK, links to other groups and practical campaigning information.
Other campaigns in the UK:
ActionAid, Campaigns, Hamlyn House, Macdonald Road, Archway, London N19 5PG.
Tel: 0171 561 7611, Fax: 0171 281 5146. -
Active at a grass roots level in 30 countries. Working on an international food rights campaign, and is increasingly focused on GE and patenting. Published a report on Astra-Zeneca in May 99-see their website.
Campaign against Human Genetic Engineering, PO Box 6313, London N16 0DY.
Opposes the genetic engineering of humans. Also working on related issues such as genetic discrimination and eugenics.
Compassion in World Farming, Charles House, 5A Charles Street, Petersfield GU32 3EH.
Tel: 01730 264208 / 268863, Fax: 01730 260791. -
Concerned about the genetic engineering of animals and xenotransplantation. Provides videos and other resources suitable for use in schools, etc.
Earth First! UK
63 local groups in the UK. Activities include grassroots organising, civil disobedience and direct action. Important network for radical environmental activists and covers anti-GE protest in its monthly newsletter.
contact - - 01132 629 365
or send s.a.e. - c/o Cornerstone Resource Centre, 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds LS7 3HB.
The Gaia Foundation, 18 Well Walk, Hampstead, London NW3 1LD.
Tel: 0171 435 5000, Fax: 0171 431 0551. -
Links with farmers, scientists and grass roots organisations in Third World. Raises awareness about the impact of GE and patenting in these countries.
Genetix Food Alert, c/o 23 Fleming Street, Glasgow G31 1PQ.
Tel: 0141 554 6099, Fax: 0141 556 5589.
Initiative founded by the UK wholefood trade to source and supply GE-free products. Provides practical information about these issues.
GeneWatch UK, The Courtyard, Whitecross Road, Tideswell, Buxton SK17 8NY.
Tel: 01298 871898, Fax: 01298 872531. -
Specialises in the science, ethics, risks and regulation of GE. Undertakes research and analysis on its implications. Published a detailed report in June 1999 on the releases of GE microorganisms into the environment.
Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA),
Ryton Organic Gardens, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV21 3LG.
Tel: 01203 303517, Fax: 01203 639229. -
Europe's largest organic association, which researches and provides advice on organic gardening and growing. Runs schemes to preserve traditional vegetable varieties which would otherwise be casualties of EC legislation.
International Society for Ecology and Culture,
Apple Barn, Week, Dartington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6JP.
Affiliated to the International Forum on Globalisation. Write to ISEC for information on globalisation/free trade issues.
The Pesticides Trust, Eurolink Centre, 49 Effra Road, London SW2 1BZ.
Tel: 0171 274 8895, Fax: 0171 274 9084. -
A charity addressing the health and environmental problems of pesticides and working for a sustainable future. Has newsletter and publications list.
Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development (ASEED),
PO Box 92066, 1090AB Amsterdam, Holland.
Tel: 20 66 82 236, Fax: 20 66 50 166. -
Global youth network focusing on issues of environment and development. Initiates and coordinates actions and campaigns. ASEED Europe comprises organisations and individuals in over 30 European countries.
Australian Gene Ethics Network (AGEN), 340 Gore St, Fitzroy 3065, Victoria, Australia.
Tel: 03 9416 2222, Fax: 03 9416 0767. -
Federation of groups and individuals in Australia promoting critical discussion and debate on the environmental, social and ethical impacts of GE.
Campaign for Food Safety (Formerly Pure Food Campaign),
860 Highway 61, Little Marais, Minnesota 55614, USA.
Tel: 218 226 4164, Fax: 218 226 4157. -
Dedicated to healthy, safe, and sustainable systems of food production. Acts as a global clearinghouse for info on GE; offers grassroots technical assistance.
Council for Responsible Genetics, 5 Upland Road, Suite 3, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA.
Tel: 617 868 0870, Fax: 617 491 5344. -
Focuses on human genetics issues including genetic discrimination and patenting. Also active on biosafety and consumer 'right to know' issues. Produces and distributes educational materials.
The Edmonds Institute, 20319-92nd Avenue West, Edmonds, Washington 98020, USA.
Tel: 425-775-5383, Fax: 425-670-8410. -
Conducts research, answers inquiries, publishes policy analysis and scientific thought pieces, distributes information, sponsors public workshops, provides expert witnesses at national events and for international bodies engaged in decision-making. Disseminates information about and criticism of technology assessment, encourages pro bono research and policy analysis by scientists and scholars, and seeks to create alliances and coalitions with like-minded organisations and individuals. Contact: Beth Burrows.
Genetic Concern, Camden House, 7 Upper Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Tel: 353 1 476 0360, Fax: 353 1 476 0361. -
Provides info and promotes debate on GE issues. Has campaigned against the releases of GE crops in Ireland, challenging them in the Irish Courts.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN), Girona 25, pral. E-08010 Barcelona, Spain.
Tel: 34 93 301 1381, Fax: 34 93 301 1627. -
International NGO with offices in Spain and the Philippines, established in 1990 to help further a global movement of popular action against the threat of genetic erosion. Very well informed on patenting, biodiversity, etc.
Greeenpeace International, Chaussesstr. 131-10115 Berlin, Germany.
Tel: 49 30 30 889914, Fax: 889930.
International environmental organisation that both lobbies and takes non-violent direct action. Opposed to the release of genetically manipulated organisms into the environment. Their new GE website includes info on a range of issues, as well as press releases, information about actions, etc.
Organic Consumers Association, 860 Highway 61, Little Marais, MN 55614, USA.
Tel: 218 226 4792, Fax:218 226 4157. -
Protects the integrity of the organic label, promotes sustainable agriculture, and opposes the use of genetic engineering in food and farming.
Pesticide Action Network (PAN), North American Office (PANNA).
49 Powell St., Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA.
Tel: 415 981 1771, Fax: 415 981 1991. -
Has campaigned to replace pesticides with ecologically sound alternatives since 1982. PANNA is one of five PAN Regional Centers in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Europe and North America.
Research Foundation For Science, Technology & Natural Resource Policy, A-60 Haus Khas, New Delhi 110016, India.
Tel: 91 11 696 8077, Fax: 685 6795. -
Focuses on biodiversity conservation, food security, globalisation, patenting, genetic engineering, biosafety, sustainable agriculture, WTO and GATT.
Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI)
110 Osborne St., Suite 202, Winnipeg, Ontario, Canada R3L 1Y5
Tel: 204 453 5259, Fax: 204 925 8034. -
An international non-governmental organisation dedicated to the conservation, sustainability and improvement of agricultural biodiversity, and to the socially responsible development of technologies useful to rural societies. RAFI is an important contact for info on patenting, terminator technology, the biotech industry and the loss of genetic diversity, and the relationship of these issues to human rights, agriculture and world food security.
Third World Network, International Secretariat, 228 Macalister Road, 10400 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: 60 4 2266728 or 2266159, Fax: 2264505. -
Network of organisations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, the Third World and North-South issues. Their website is a useful source of information about biopiracy, patents, the WTO and GE.
Union of Concerned Scientists, National HQ, 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02238-9105, USA.
Tel: 617 547 5552. -
Alliance of 70,000 committed citizens and leading scientists who aim to "augment rigorous scientific research with public education and citizen advocacy to help build a cleaner, healthier environment and a safer world". Provides a critique of the various applications of genetic engineering, and supports sustainable alternatives.