Prayer Request : Joyce Graham

Joyce, a Soldier of a Corps in the USA, has had cancer for a while and this has now spread all over. Joyce has been in hospital for since mid-November and has been given transfusions but her kidneys have now shut down. It is only a matter of time before the inevitable happens, so please keep her family in your prayers as they do not profess to be Christians.

The Corps' Officers went to visit Joyce in early December 2001 and sang to her and read the Scriptures. Her husband was there and seemed to be touched by what he saw.

Updated on 9th January 2002: Joyce passed away the week of Christmas. The Corps Officers visited her a couple of days before she passed and she was ready. Her kidneys had failed and she was on the morphine button. They sang to her and read from the Bible. Through all this they found out that her husband, who is not a believer cannot read or write. Please pray for the Corps that they can get through to this man, as at this time, he is very angry at God.

Th Corps Officers go on to say that they have family devotions every night and their six year old, Tara, prays for Doug every night, They are so glad that their children also know the Power of Prayer and hope and pray that one day Doug can show Tara what all her prayers have done for him.