Opposites (posted to the apihna Newsgroup)

Af(adj):having perfect hearing.John Flynn
Chievous(adj):not to mess about in a slightly cute way.Graybags
Cle(n):not your parent's brother.John Ward
Cography(n):a list of unreleased recordings.Alfred Armstrong
Come tax(n):a levy on outgoings.Alfred Armstrong
Compense(v):to not pay for; to not retuen in kind."Barry in Indy"
Conscript(n):a begging letter.Dr Robin Bignall
Couth(adj):not at all loutish or rude.Maggie Newman
Cover(v):to lose important knowledge or artifacts.Jonathon Caws-Elwitt
Creet(adj):to be loud-mouthed and tactless..Graybags
Crete(adj):joined together so that you can't tell where one ends and another begins.John Flynn
AlsoIncrete(v):to take in waste matter."Barry in Indy"
AlsoDiscrete(v):to remove waste matter."Barry in Indy"
AlsoProcrete(v):to be for waste matter."Barry in Indy"
AlsoConcrete(v):to be against waste matter."Barry in Indy"
AlsoSecrete(v):to espy waste matter."Barry in Indy"
AlsoAccrete(v):to garner mains electric waste matter.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoCalcrete(n):solid US west coast waste matter.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoFerricrete(n):solid waste matter thrown off a boat.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoFerroconcrete(n):solid waste matter from a Japanese male.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoHypersecrete(v):to throw out MI5 documents.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoInconcrete(v):to cross the Mafia.Alfred Armstrong
Alsoindiscrete(adj):spreading rumours about waste matter in Barry's location.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoMusique Concrete(n):a tune whistled to cover the sound of waste matter.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoResecrete(v):to espy waste matter again.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoShotcrete(n):a picture of solid waste matter.Alfred Armstrong
AlsoSilcrete(n):solid waste matter on a window ledge.Alfred Armstrong
Decide(v):to become impartial.Alfred Armstrong
Define(v):to withdraw a demand for monetary compensation for illegal activities.Jens Ayton
Delight(v):to extinguish a candle.Alfred Armstrong
Demand(v):to have had a sex change, from male to female.Jens Ayton
Demise(v):to make a rich person very generous.Polly
Describe(v):deprive a king of his historian.Dr Robin Bignall
1. to be excessively flat or rectilinear.
2. being expected to arrive after an appointed time.
Alfred Armstrong
E(n):non-existant buzzing insect.Jonathon Caws-Elwitt
Ept(adj):skillful, not at all clumsy.Graybags
Ert(adj):highly reactive.Matt Gibson
Fect(v):to prevent contamination with a contagious disease."Steve"
Flammable(adj):not flammable.Steven O'Neill
Forest Kelley(n):not a Star Trek actor.John Ward
Icorn(n):another name for a horse.John Flynn
Iform(adj):not at all alike.Les Bessant
Ify(v):to separate.Les Bessant
Ique(adj):commonplace.Ray Heindl
Ity(n?):the state of being apart.Les Bessant
Maculate(adj):looking like a tramp."Doc" Dr Robin Bignall
Mantle(v):to put together or assemble.Dave Laird
Nate(adj):not part of."Doc" Robin Bignall
Peat(v):to take someone's spectacles (eyeglasses) off them.Graybags
Pense(v):to do only once.Graybags
Pose(v):to cover.Jonathon Caws-Elwitt
Poster(n):the real person."Doc" Dr Robin Bignall
Scrutable(adj):easily understood or interpreted.'drew in Detroit
Sissippi(n):the smallest river in the US.Ray Heindl
Taff(n):male member.Mark Wallace
Telligent(adj):stupid."Doc" Robin Bignall
Text(n):writing with no meaning behind it.Mark Wallace
Turb(v):to leave someone to get on with whatever they are doing.Graybags