"A Fan of Twin Peaks"

I'm a fan of "Twin Peaks"—I have to confess it.
Whenever it's on I simply can't miss it;
Though many I know just try to dismiss it
   But long live Dale Cooper, I say!

Little men and giants, real or in a dream;
That phrase: "The owls are not what they seem";
And the Agent and Sherriff make such a good team
   Long live Agent Cooper, I say!

Down at the Roadhouse Julee Cruise‘s songs haunt me,
And all round the township the red herrings taunt me,
While the rich crop of characters all try to daunt me.
   So long live Agent Cooper, I say!

Characters? I hardly know where to begin:
There‘s Pete and deaf Gordon, Ben Horne and Catherine,
Shelley, Leo and Josie, "log lady", wild Nadine,
   And of course, Agent Cooper, as I say.

There‘s delightful Lucy, and of course Leland Palmer,
And that nice Maddie—oh, why did he harm her?
Then there‘s young Audrey—now she‘s a real charmer
   And she‘s fallen for Cooper: hooray!

The characters get weirder, the story grows stranger,
With never a let-up—someone's always in danger.
Was that owls in the woods, or was it the Ranger?
   No, just Cooper's "Tibetan Way"!


By John M Ward © 1993