Pokémon: the Pokédex

These are the original 151 Pokémon (including Mew) in numerical order:

NumberNameEvolved fromEvolves intoHeight (m)Weight (kg)Type (1st)Type (2nd)Notes
1Bulbasaur-Ivysaur0.706.9GrassPoisonFirst stage of the Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/ Venusaur evolution.
2IvysaurBulbasaurVenusaur1.0013.0GrassPoisonIvysaur is a Grass-Poison combination, giving twice the strengths (or weaknesses) of single-type Pokémon.
Given enough experience it will evolve into Venusaur.
3VenusaurIvysaur-2100GrassPoisonBecause they are Grass and Poison types, it is difficult to predict how they will fare in combat, but they are one of the most useful and versatile Pokémon around.
4Charmander-Charmeleon0.608.5Fire---Flaming tail. Tough to handle, even for a skilled trainer. Evolves only when used correctly.
5CharmeleonCharmanderCharizard1.1019.0Fire---Flaming tail easily defeats Ice-type Pokémon but is ineffective against Water-types. Evolves into Charizard over time.
6CharizardCharmeleon-1.7090.5Fire---Evolves from Charmeleon at level 36.
7Squirtle-Wartortle0.59Water-One of the three Pokémon offered by Professor oak at the start of the original game. Good in battle against Fire-types.
8WartortleSquirtleBlastoise122.5Water-Tends to be more confident in the water than Squirtle because its large rudder-like ears help it to manoeuvre.
9BlastoiseWartortle-1.6085.5Water---Tough shell conceals two high-pressure water cannon.
10Caterpie-Metapod0.302.9Bug---Rare in the Red version of the game.
11MetapodCaterpieButterfree0.79.9Bug-A transitional Pokémon, between Caterpie and Butterfree, so it does not remain in this state for very long. Evolves into Butterfree at level 10.
12ButterfreeMetapod-0.6025.0BugFlyingFlying abilit it more versatile than some other Pokémon encountered early.
13Weedle-Kakuna0.33.2BugPoisonHas only two attacks, but its sting is poisonous and its String-Shot attack can temporarily reduce an enemy's speed. Rare in the Blue version.
14KakunaWeedleBeedrill0.6010.0BugPoisonTransitional form between Weedle & Beedrill. Almost incapable of movement and has no attacking abilities. Its only defence is to harden its protective shell.
15BeedrillKakuna-0.9010.5BugPoisonEventually learns attacks such as Twin Needle and Pin Missile.
16Pidgey-Pidgeotto0.31.8NormalFlyingOne of the most common kinds of Pokémon. Can blind its opponent by stirring up clouds of sand with its wings. Over time it will evolve into Pidgeotto (at Level 18) and eventually into Pidgeot
17PidgeottoPidgeyPidgeot0.40.5NormalFlyingCan be either captured in the wild or by building up a Pidgey to Level 18.
18PidgeotPidgeotto-1.31.5NormalFlyingFlying-types are the natural enemies of Bug-types.
19Rattata-Raticate0.33.5Normal---Common, and uses its sharp teeth to defend itself from attackers. Despite its ferocious appearance, Rattata shares the same habitat as Pidgey, where they co-exist peacefully.
20RaticateRattata-0.3580Normal---Uses its long whiskers to help navigate and maintain balance. Losing them would slow it down considerably.
21Spearow-Fearow0.32NormalFlyingResembles the mild-mannered Pidgey but has a more ferocious temperament. If the two face each other in battle, Spearow usually has the advantage. Evolves into Fearow at Level 20.
22FearowSpearow-0.4530.0NormalFlyingCan glide for long periods. At higher experience it can use its Mirror Move ability to duplicate an enemy’s attack.
23Ekans-Arbok1.5050.0Poison---A silent but deadly predator, feeding mainly on Pidgey and Spearow eggs.
24Arbok--6.20452.0Poison---Paralyzing Glare can be added at Level 27; and a Screech at Level 36.
25Pikachu-Raichu0.46Electric---A highly sought-after mouse-like creature. Trainers often have a hard time keeping several Pikachu in one place, because the high concentration of them will trigger electric disturbances in the atmosphere. Evolves into raichu with the use of the Thunder Stone.
26RaichuPikachu-1.280Electric---More powerful than Pikachu, and has to use its long tail as an earth to avoid shocking itself(!)
27Sandshrew-Sandslash1.4100Ground---Must be traded for in the Blue version of the game; but there aren't any Sandshrew in the Red version.
28SandslashSandshrew-1.8140Ground---When threatened it curls up into a little ball, then rolls along the ground to attack or escape.
29Nidoran female?????---?.
32Nidoran male?????---?.
35Clefairy-Clefable0.607.5Normal---Rare, found at Mt. Moon and only two other places. Evolves as the game progresses.
36ClefableClefairy-0.60100.0Normal---Once a Clefairy evolves into this form it becomes unable to learn any more attacks on its own. The trainer may be able to teach it a new ability with a TM or HM.
37Vulpix-Ninetales0.651.4Fire---Vulpix is hard to find in the Blue version, and is very rare in the Red version.
38NinetalesVulpix-1.53.4Fire---Ninetales cannot be found in the wild, and must be evolved by nurturing a Vulpix.
39Jigglypuff-Wigglytuff0.505.5Normal---Rare and deceptive: though it is cute and cuddly in appearance, its Sing attack will send even the toughest Pokémon to dreamland, rendering defences uselss.
40WigglytuffJigglypuff-0.7459Normal---Has a soft, rubbery body, like a balloon. When angered it inflates itself to an enormous size to scare off enemies.
41Zubat-Golbat0.87.5PoisonFlyingZubat have no eyes so they rely on sophisticated radar systems to navigate through their residence—the dark depths of Mt. Moon. In battle, their Leech Life attack strategy will drain and steal an opponent's energy. Over time, Zubat evolve into Golbat.
42GolbatZubat-0.80182.0PoisonFlyingWhen it feeds on a victim’s energy Golbat tends to gorge itself, often swelling with power until it is too fat to fly.
43Oddish-Gloom0.840GrassPoisonOne of several combined Grass-and-Poison types. It likes first to Poison or Stun its opponents before it drains their energy with its Absorb attack.
44GloomOddishVileplume1.5050.0GrassPoisonLike most Grass-type Pokémon Gloom can hardly move, but it does not need to move its limbs to launch an attack.
45VileplumeGloom-0.82.5GrassPoisonGloom and Vileplume do not need to move to attack, so Palalyzing them does not affect their ability to fight.
50Diglett-Dugtrio0.200.8Ground---The challenge is to capture Diglett before it faints or runs away. They don't evolve as such but group together in groups of three (Dugtrio).
51DugtrioDiglett-0.60100.0Ground---Is actually a group of three Digletts, thus increasing their strength by several times, allowing them to tunnel deeply enough to cause earthquakes.
52Meowth-Persian0.5560Normal-In the Blue version of the game, Meowth can be found in the fields around Routes 5 or 6. Must be traded for in the Red version. Meowths like to patrol the streets at night, looking for shiny objects such as coins to pick up.
55GolduckPsyduck-1.1082.0Water---An agile fighter both in and out of the water, unlike its predecessor (Psyduck) which can be somewhat awkward on land..
56Mankey-Primeape1.2580Fighting---As a Fighting-type, Mankey is more agile than most Pokémon. It can dodge even special attacks quite easily
57PrimeapeMankey-1.6100Fighting---Has an incredible temper, making it doubly dangerous in combat. Its Karate Chop attack is formidable.
58Growlithe-Arcanine0.421.4Fire---Elusive; can be found only on Route 7, Route 8 or Cinnabar Island. handle combat with it carefully.
59ArcanineGrowlithe-0.601.5Fire---Special attacks: Roar, Ember, Leer & Take Down.
63Abra-Kadabra0.9019.5Psychic---No attack capabilily but can teleport out of trouble.
64KadabraAbraAlakazam1.50159.0Psychic---Relies on a strong mind rather than a powerful body to win.
It can send out waves of mental energy that cause headaches at close range.
65AlakazamKadabra-1.90125.0Psychic---Powerful brain and pyschic abilities.
66Machop-Machoke0.8019.5Fighting---Extremely agile and will often dodge specially designed attacks. One of the more intelligent Pokémon and have mastery of martial arts. Evolves at level 28.
67MachokeMachopMachamp1.20100.0Fighting---Machoke likes bodybuilding even more than Machop, but its vanity can get in the way of its combat training.
68MachampMachoke-2.10189.0Fighting---Machoke must be traded to another Game Pak to transform it into Machamp. It gains an extra pair of arms in the process.
69Bellsprout-Weepinbell0.5030.0GrassPoisonOften begins a battle with Growth which will increase power of its special attacks.
74Geodude-Graveler0.4020.0RockGroundCommonly found in fields and rocky areas. Do not usually move unless disturbed; often mistaken for a rock or boulder. Evolves into Graveler at level 25.
75GravelerGeodudeGolem2.60500.0RockGroundEvolves from Geodude at level 25. As it changes, its rocky skin develops several layers of jagged scales that get chipped off in battle but are quickly replaced.
76GolemGraveler-3.20800.0RockGroundLarger than either of its predescessors so stands out more in its surroundings.
Slow to anger but a fierce fighter when roused.
77Ponyta-Rapidash1.030Fire---Has hooves harder than diamonds. Evolves into Rapidash at level 40. Because it is a Fire-type, Rapidash usually fares badly against Water-types in battle.
78RapidashPonyta-2.2152Fire---Has great speed allowing it to strike a foe several times in a row.
81Magnemite-Magneton0.306.0Electric---Magnemite use their electrical powers to paralyze and confuse their opponents before shocking them into submission. At level 30 they bond together in groups of 3.
82MagnetonMagnemite-1.2050.0Electric---Made up of 3 Magnemites bonded together. They are known to become more aggressive during sunspot activity.
83Farfetch’d--1.1080.0NormalFlyingLooks and quacks like a duck but is not a duck.
Uses twigs as mini-swords.
84Doduo-Dodrio1.4039.2NormalFlyingTwo heads. Cannot fly, despite having Flying-type characteristics, but can run at high speed. Evolves into Dodrio at level 31.
85DodrioDoduo-1.1059.0NormalFlyingHas three heads (Doduo has only two). They represent joy, sorrow and anger. While it rests, two of the heads sleep while the third keeps watch.
86Seel-Dewgong1.190Water---An Arctic dweller. Fights antagonistically with its Aurora Beam which causes damage by decreasing an opponent's power. Evolves into Dewgong at level 34.
87DewgongSeel-2.80682.0WaterIceUse its Rest ability with caution. If Dewgong does recover 100% of its HP with this ability it will then skip two turns.
88Grimer-Muk1.2030.0Poison---Because it consumes the toxic sludge from factories, many trainers seek them out as natural pollution processing plants. Evolves into Muk at level 38.
91CloysterShellder-0.7514.5WaterIceTreats combat more seriously than Shellder using its Spike cannon attack to hit its target up to five times in a row.
92Gastly-Haunter1.300.1Ghost---No Pokémon has an advantage over Gastly, making them valuable assets.
Over time Gastly evolves into Haunter and Gengar.
93HaunterGastlyGengar0.905.5GhostPoisonHaunter’s Dream Eater attack does double duty, putting an opponent to sleep while simultaneously draining its energy.
94GengarHaunter-1.409.5GhostPoisonCan be obtained only by training a Haunter until it evolves.
95Onix--8.6100.5RockGroundOver time, Onix's faceted skin becomes black as coal but as hard as a diamond. It is certainly an imposing sight in battle!
96Drowzee-Hypno1.0032.4Psychic---Weak physical attack, but its psychic abilities can make other Pokémon fall asleep during combat. Evolves into Hypno at level 26.
97HypnoDrowzee-1.00300.0Psychic---Hypno survives by putting its prey to sleep and consuming their dreams. It can get sick from absorbing bad dreams.
98Krabby-Kingler0.406.5Water---Can be found sidling along in nearly every stream, river and pond, using its claws for balance and protection.
Evolves into Kingler at level 28.
99KinglerKrabby-0.9050.0Water---Can sometimes be found in inland waterways, but much prefers the open ocean.
Its powerful claws can crush solid steel.
100Voltorb-Electrode0.510.4Electric---Voltorb use a Screech attack to lower their opponent's defence rating before launching an electrical assault. If the odds are against a Voltorb, it may self-destruct to avoid capture.
101ElectrodeVoltorb-1.00250.0Electric---Found in the Unknown Dungeon, Power Plant, or on Cinnabar Island.
102Exeggcute-Exeggutor4.002.5GrassPsychicTravel in swarms, quickly surrounding and engulfing intruders in their territory.
Use the Leaf Stone to transform them into 2-legged Exeggutor.
103ExeggutorExeggcute-3.90194.4GrassPsychicIts legs do it little good. This is one instance in which evolution may not be such a good idea!
104Cubone-Marowak0.406.5Ground---Uses bones of other Pokémon to fashion crude weapons and armour e.g. clubs & boomerangs that they wield with deadly efficiency. Evolves at level 28.
105MarowakCubone-0.63150Ground---Its skillful use of bones as makeshift boomerangs has earned Marowak the nickname "Bonekeeper".
106Hitmonlee--1.7010.0Fighting---First uses its Meditate ability to boost its attack power, following up with one of any number of kicking attacks.
Relies solely on its feet in combat.
107Hitmonchan--1.301.5Fighting---Uses only its fists for fighting.
Hitmonchan moves so fast that its hands appear to be mere blurs in the air.
108Lickitung--1.40125.0Normal---Though comical in appearance, Lickitung can be quite formidable.
Beware its Wrap and Supersonic attacks.
109Koffing-Weezing0.601.0Poison---Koffing stores poison gases within its body, sometimes causing it to explode without warning.
Evolves into Weezing at level 35.
113Chansey--1.3069.0Normal---Rare and elusive. Brings happiness to its trainer.
114Tangela--0.41100--Looking like a walking plate of spaghetti or a two-legged tail-less sheepdog, Tangela is one of the shyest Pokémon.
115Kangaskhan--2.2743.0Normal---Using its stomach pouch, Kangaskhan carries its young everywhere, even into battle. This makes combat more dangerous, not less.
116Horsea-Seadra0.408.0Water---Gentle, better at defence than offence and cannot take much punishment. Can be found in waters around Cinnabar Island, Seafoam Island & routes 19, 20 & 21.
118Goldeen-Seaking0.6015.0Water---Sometimes known as The Water Queen. Can be found in several bodies of water.
122Mr. Mime?????---?.
124Jynx??0.6020.5IcePsychicUnusual combination of Ice and Psychic characteristics, whose powers grow over time. Evolution unknown at present.
125Electabuzz--0.7445.0Electric---Is drawn to strong sources of electricity, so can be found only at the Power Plant.
126Magmar--2.1018.5Fire---Magmar’s skin glows steadily with a bright orange fire.
129Magikarp-Gyarados0.9010.0Water---Evolves into the serpentine Gyarados at Level 20. Can be found swimming in the waters around Fuchsia City.
130GyaradosMagikarp-10.0010.5WaterFlyingA rare example of the unusual phenomenon of a single-type evolving (from Magikarp) into a dual-type Pokémon.
131Lapras--3.90259.5WaterIceIs sometimes used as a water-borne “horse” to transport passengers across short distances. Its gentle demeanour makes it well suited to this task.
132Ditto--0.273.0Normal---Has the amazing ability to copy the form and power of its opponent.
133Eevee-(See Stats/Info)0.306.5Normal---Evolves by the trainer using a special stone:
Water Stone --> Vaporeon.
Thunder Stone --> Jolteon
Fire Stone --> Flareon.
135JolteonEevee-0.306.5Electric---Transformed from Eevee by the Thunder Stone. A hair-raising Electric-type Pokémon.
136FlareonEevee-0.306.5Fire---Evolved from Eevee using the Fire Stone.
Its Fire-type powers are a force with which to reckon.
140Kabuto-Kabutops0.72152.0RockWaterSeen from above, this cunning beetle-like Pokémon is often mistaken for a smooth river rock.
141KabutopsKabuto-2.20252.0RockWaterAt Level 55 Kabutops gains the powerful Hydro Pump attack.
142Aerodactyl--4.20352.0RockFlyingCloned by Pokémon Lab using Old Amber from Pewter City Museum.
144Articuno--2.12182.0IceFlyingThe second mystical flying-type Pokémon after Zapdos.
147Dratini-Dragonair4.9040.0Dragon---Must reach level 30 before evolving into Dragonair.
148DragonairDratiniDragonite2.20200.0Dragon---Abilities include Wrap, Agility, Slam and Dragon Rage.
150MewTwo--2.236Psychic---Mewtwo was created in the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island. Scientists tried to create the perfect fighting machine, and they succeeded—perhaps too well. Mewtwo is extremely hostile and can't stand being in a Poké Ball.
151Mew--1ft 4in9lbPsychic---Still thought to be mere rumour in many parts of the world, Mew has only been seen in captivity a few times. The most amazing aspect of this ultra-rare Pokémon is that it possesses the ability to learn every TM and HM ever created. As a result, Mew is extremely sought-after by collectors.