Designed to beat the potential software thief and restrict unauthorised use, Softcrete performs automatic or semi-automatic encryption and decryption of your programs and provides three levels of protection to match your needs.
A program can be 'tied' to operate on just one machine (with RISC OS 3.0 or better) using that computer's unique ID number.
Or on one or more machines - by using a password inserted into CMOS RAM a program can be run on one or more machines set up with the same password.
Or on any machines using a known password - a non-residential password may be used to allow a program to be run on any computer by those who know the password.
On two levels Softcrete protection is virtually transparent so that an unauthorised user, or a potential thief, is unaware of the protection until he tries to run the program on another machine. To limit access to private files at home or in schools and offices an application (such as Impression) could be protected using Softcrete.
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