All items are .zip archives (except where noted);
use David Pilling's superb !SparkPlug to de-archive them after downloading.
Self-extracting SparkPlug (Download and save this file, set its type to &FFB/Basic, and run it).
!AddFont, !CopyAfter, !DDF2Html, DecodeIP, !Forger, FormDecode,
!HtmlKeys, !IshTime, !LinkCheck, !SprToGif, !Text2Html & !Validator.
Otherwise you can pick out individual programs from the list below:
!Validator : vsn 0.37e, 6July99 (26 Kbytes) Now updated for all HTML4.0 tags.
This "Linter" checks an HTML-file, or a directory's-worth of files, for basic errors such as mismatched or badly-nested quotes, angle-brackets, and tags.
Now has throwback (to eg !Zap; but only if you have the DDEUtils module).
Please note: this is for checking HTML; don't expect it to handle Javascript
(though it now has better skipping of (Java)Script to suppress spurious errors).
Beta !Validator vsn 0.38ß 16Mar00 (27KB)
Requires <TR>, <TH> and <TD> tags to have matching </TR>, </TH> and </TD> tags; and allows nested TABLEs.
!LinkCheck vsn 1.33, 9May99 (40 Kbytes)
Checks all links and references between files on a site in a local directory
and produces a "connectivity matrix".
Has options to restrict a scan to a "sub-site", yet follow references to images etc
outside that directory elsewhere in the main root site;
and greater flexibility in reporting/suppressing non-local links.
Extra option to control TARGET checking. Adds <OBJECT data=%URL> check.
Includes dates of HTML files (and other non-graphic files) in the catalogue listing,
and lists frame-name targets in the Report.
Recognises PNG (&B60) image files and their dimensions.
Now also includes checking of !WebChange pseudo-tags.
Self-cancelling error boxes during cataloguing stage;
Extended NoFollow facilities for both external and internal links;
Checks Refresh URL in META tags.
Can generate "Throwbacks" (to eg !Zap; but only if you have DDEUtils);
Creates an HTML file called "NotLocal" listing all external references.
Also adds up file-sizes, checks printer, and now has better warning of insufficient WimpSlot.
!DDF2Html : vsn 0.12, 20Mar99 (19 Kbytes)
Converts an ImpressionII/Publisher DDF file ("Save text with styles") into a HTML page.
NOTE: this is intended as a time-saving tool, not one of those abominable WYSIWYG editors!
Can also process ordinary text-files like !Text2Html below, which it will supersede.
Now recognises and processes StyleNames corresponding to TagNames, eg "H3", "address", "UL" etc.
Beta !DDF2Html : vsn 0.13beta3, 30Aug99 (20 Kbytes)
As above; but also does "HTML-to-HTML" by checking for naughty top-bit-set characters and changing them to their correct entities.
!Text2Html : vsn 0.21, 5Apr98 (14 Kbytes)
Converts a text file to a valid HTML page by substituting for all the illegal characters like <©&ö
!SprToGif : vsn 0.21, 21Aug98/5Sep98 (29 Kbytes)
Front end for "spr2gif": converts Sprites to GIFs with the same number of colours.
!CopyAfter : vsn 0.08, 25Nov98 (14 Kbytes)
To copy (backup) from a directory (eg the local root of a web-site) all those files and only those files which have been amended since a given date which is controlled by the user.
Although written as a backup proggy by "Copy If Newer" (with greater flexibility in defining "New"), it can also be used as a means of creating an incremental (FTP-)upload of changes to (the local copy of) a web-site.
Beta !CopyAfter version 0.09ß2, 01Feb99 (16 Kbytes)
Also generates a script-file for use by sFTP.
!Forger : vsn 1.08, 20Nov97 (7732 bytes)
Select one of ten .sig files to append to Voyager email/newsposts.
!HtmlKeys : (7711 bytes)
Inserts HTML tags into text editor by mouse clicks.
!AddFont : vsn 1.02, 10Aug94 (uploaded 23Mar99), (10 Kbytes)
To temporarily add one or a few extra fonts to the fonts available
(Assumes you have a RamFS "disk" set up)
!Count : (17 Kbytes)
Real-count of directory/files size; and L/D format floppy compacter.
!Ish-Time : (2 Kbytes). A little desktop silly that
tells the time in human-readable format (eg "nearly twenty past").
!E-Z-Print (5394 bytes)
Takes an unformatted !Edit file from RamFS,
and formats and prints it to fanfold paper in a dot-matrix printer.
!Clean7 : (4 Kbytes). Takes a text-file in RAM which might contain 8-bit (top-bit-set) characters, and generates a "7-bit-clean" text-file by converting those to nearest equivalent ASCI code(s) in the range 32-126.
FormDecode : updated 21Oct98 (2897 bytes)
Disentangles form-url-encoded messages returned by <FORM> submission.
Expects a source (text-)file to be found in RamFS, with or without its header,
and puts a decoded version back there.
DecodeIP : 29 Jan 99 (1003 bytes)
Converts a ten-digit decimal IP into the conventional quad-byte representation.
DirCat : (1546 bytes)
Recursive listing of a directory's contents, optionally to printer.
Patter.mus (3071-byte archive of a 9 KB Maestro file)
Medley of three Gilbert & Sullivan patter song tunes.
Download the RepTile used as the backdrop (2442 bytes GIFf).