Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee on Tuesday 12th March 2002 at 6·30 pm in the Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Strood.


  1. Record of the Meeting: To agree and sign the record of the meeting held on 12th February 2002.

  2. Apologies for absence

  3. Urgent matters by reason of special circumstances: The Chairman will announce any late items which do not appear on the main agenda that he has agreed should be accepted as urgent for the reasons given.

  4. Declarations of interest including whipping:
    (a) pecuniary interests;
    (b) non-pecuniary interests;
    (c) whipping.

  5. Task Group on Co-ordination and Best Value Rôle: The notes of the Task Group held on 26th February 2002 have been provided to Committee members for the Committe's consideration.

  6. Call-in of Executive Decisions: To review the number and nature of executive decisions that have been called-in and to decide whether to call-in any recent executive decisions.