Meeting of Youth and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 14th March 2002 at 7pm in the Presentation Suite, Civic Centre, Strood.


  1. Record of the Meeting: To agree and sign the record of the meeting held on 26th February 2002.

  2. Apologies for absence

  3. Urgent matters by reason of special circumstances: The chairman will announce any late items that do not appear on the main agenda that he has agreed should be accepted as urgent for the reasons given.

  4. Declarations of interest including whipping:
    Members are asked to note the declarations of interest (attached to the full agenda papers) in respect of Local Education Authority (LEA) governor representatives.
    (a) pecuniary interests;
    (b) non-pecuniary interests; and
    (c) whipping.

  5. Medway Draft Youth Justice Plan: The report for this item makes proposals for the Youth Justice Plan for Medway covering the period 2002–2005, setting out the Authority's plans, objectives and timescales for reducing crime amongst young people aged 16–18 years.

  6. Proposed Expansion of Chatham Grammar School: The report for this item informs the Committee that the school's adjudicator has rejected the LEA's proposal to enlarge Chatham Grammar School for Boys by one form of entry, and outlines the implications and proposed way forward.

  7. Education Capital Budget: As requested at the last meeting, the report for this item informs the Committee about the initial proposed Education capital programme for 2002/2003.

  8. Work Programme: The report for this item requests the Committee to review its current work programme.

    The Best Value report on Corporate Education Services that was originally due to be considered at this meeting has been delayed and currently it is unclear as to when this will be available.

    The joint options report on Young People will be submitted to the next meeting on 18th April 2002.