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Medway CouncilFull Council : Currently 80 MembersThe full Medway Council comprises 80 members elected in 35 wards throughout the Medway Towns, though the current boundary review means that this number is almost certain to be significantly reduced to somewhere around 55 members in far fewer wards by the time of the local elections in 2003. Under the new "Cabinet-style" political management, introduced on 1st October 2001, the structure is essentially as per the diagram below, though we are still feeling our way somewhat:
Essentially what happens now is that the ten-member Cabinet makes all decisions that fit within what is called the Council's policy framework and within the budgets set by the full Council. These decisions are scrutinised by the five Overview and Scrutiny Committees who can call-in decisions that they judge fall outside those limits. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees can refer such decisions up to the full Council, or—after scrutiny—back to the Cabinet. For this reason Cabinet decisions do not take effect immediately, but only after the period allowed for a call-in decision. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees can also formulate and develop policy. The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee is something of an oddity, having no portfolio of its own and appearing to be an attempt at an opposition power-base—nothing more significant than that. It certainly has no obvious relevance to the work that needs to be done by Medway Council, as the rest of the structure covers all of that. However it exists now, and hopefully it will in time either show that it has genuine reasons for its existence and can produce some benefits, or else it will be disbanded if it fails to prove its worth.
The political make-up of the Council is as below:
The memberships of these political groups (except of any group who has asked that their details do not appear here) are given below, with links to a page about each:
Liberal Democrat
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